Brighton, early '80s - David B. recalls that he saw The Durutti Column at the New Regent Hotel, West Street, Brighton, in 1981 or 1982. '(Vini) played at the end of a long room. There were no chairs and so the small audience stood in a kind of semi circle only a few feet away from him. The proximity of the audience didn't seem to affect him. To his left, slightly behind him was Bruce Mitchell - I can't remember if he had a full drum kit or a set of bongos. Vini played beautifully, mostly from LC. I was a huge fan at the time, so this was a very special and unusual gig." It appears this hotel no longer exists but did host shows from at least 1977-1982.
18 September 1982 supporting John Martyn at Guildford Civic Hall? - need confirmation
The Official Gigography of The Durutti Column was created by Michael Mitchell and was incorporated into on 21 March 2018. It is maintained by John Cooper.
Thanks over the years to Phil Jones, Bruce Mitchell, Rob Stanzel, Frank Brinkhuis, Michael Mitchell and many others.
If you have anything to add or correct on this, please contact
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